Thursday, August 31, 2017's as if you all pulled up stakes...

Trees...'s as if you all pulled up stakes
and followed me here
always knowing where to find me
where you
or your kin
continue to assure me
that my days will never
lack you
that my love for you
has not gone unnoticed.
Still now after all this time
after seeing your now abandoned
spots the vast swaths of ground
where you once stood
bare now
empty of you
of your lush
majestic and sage
But then I slip out of bed
and there you are outside my window
beckoning like some playful friend
eager to commiserate here
of all places
where to others
to those who think
that fewer of you would be
just something
to be taken down
that more light is better
and that some of you
lean just a little too far
for comfort.
Your topmost leaves
tremble in the late-summer breeze
fill the large gap
that my leaving you
not once but twice
created but how silly of me
to fret for even just a moment
that you aren't capable of this
of healing this wound
of once again
filling my days.